Gain the HR skills to manage people and positively influence workplace culture

Our 人力资源管理MBA will teach you the skills to implement and manage the policies, 的关系, 一个组织的文化. Build your HR expertise and confidence through courses and experiential learning opportunities. You have the option to take each course in a format that fits your learning needs and schedule. A program with true flexibility and work-life balance.

学分 36
每学分成本 $725
  • 随时在线课程
  • 实时缩放课程

Join a live webinar with the MBA program director on March 15 @ 10 AM CDT.


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Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


Our 人力资源管理MBA will allow you to dive into a variety of topics that will prepare you to make a significant impact in the field of human resources. You will learn from industry experts and study alongside a diverse group of students - all through a flexible program designed for working professionals.

Acquire a deeper knowledge of labor and employment law, 职业骗子, 失业, 残疾程序和政策. We have select courses that are aligned with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) to enhance your creditibility with employers as an HR leader. +, the development of your people-focused skills will strengthen your ability to handle a variety of people, 问题, 以及工作场合的情况.


Post-Baccalaureate students can earn a 研究生 certificate by selecting four courses within one of the MBA concentration areas or within the MBA core for a total of twelve credits. 学生 may at any time transition into the MBA degree program course of study through the standard application process.


This program will provide you with all the knowledge and practical skills you need to face the challenges that may arise in this field. You’ll have an in-depth understanding of annuities, 健康和人寿保险的种类, 风险管理. You’ll be able to design and implement employee compensation strategies and manage conflict with minimal cost. You’ll leave the program with expertise in the field, a portfolio of your work to show potential employers, and skills that will make you a stronger leader, delegator and strategic thinker - so you can support your organization’s most valuable asset: its people.


  • The study abroad program offered networking opportunities with a diverse group of students and professors, fostering valuable cross-cultural business connections. The conference courses and research presentations were intellectually stimulating, while the tours of companies provided an eye-opening perspective on international business practices. 我的自信心和适应能力都增强了, skills that were honed through navigating different cities, 交通系统, 商业环境和文化背景.

    Oressa Kulack / 学生,MBA人力资源管理
  • The small class sizes allowed me to connect with my professors and I feel that they all knew me not only by name but also on a personal level. I loved that each MBA course always put God first and challenged me to think about how my faith will be tested outside of the classroom, and how to not waiver on my beliefs or faith in the business world.

    Ronisha霍华德 / 2023研究生,MBA人力资源管理专业
  • 在线
  • 虚拟

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